
  • Sans taxe - Expédition : 2,95 $ ou gratuite dès 45 $ d'achat ISBN : 978-2-916621-09-1 Musique de Steve Human Durée : 66’ 22" Le livret de 20 pages inclus avec le CD reprend le texte intégral d'Anne Givaudan. Dans ce CD où l’énergie des mots conjointe à celle de la musique apporte une puissante vague de transformation et de guérison, je vous propose simplement de vous laisser porter par  la force qui émane de ces paroles. Soyez simplement attentifs à ce qui se passe en vous lors de cette écoute et retrouvez ce que vous êtes : un être infiniment lumineux qui recontacte son essence. — Anne Givaudan.  
  • Exclusive of tax – Shipping : 5,95 $ or free from 45 $ purchase Teachings of Jesus for the contemporary world Many sources regularly refer to a Master of wisdom who was reincarnated in the Middle East towards the beginning of the sixties. Some go as far as saying it was Jesus in person. Answering a call, Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois undertook a journey to Syria. There, they were immediately contacted by a Being of Light in whom they recognized both an impressive force and gentleness which left them in no doubt… Their story begins in the heart of Damascus, but this quickly goes backstage when the spotlight is focused on the teaching they receive. Testimony of an amazing experience, the book is like a guide for each one of us to shake off the ego's tenacious hold and construct the firmer foundations of a new consciousness. Of burning topicality, simply written without indulgence, "By the Spirit of the Sun" addresses all those who, as seekers of Peace and Truth, no longer want to "spend their time" but act. For some twenty years, Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois jointly offered a peerless testimony to a wide audience on the plurality of worlds and the quest for a new consciousness. Translated into eleven languages, the twelve books they wrote together have rapidly become best-sellers on a global scale. Their joint work has already undeniably contributed to an open spirituality for the new millennium. Today, both authors are continuing their work of teaching and diffusing along their own paths which have lost nothing of their inspiration and drive.
  • Cover very slightly damaged Exclusive of tax – Shipping : 3,95 $ or free from 45 $ purchase This condensed booklet featuring practical exercises communicated to Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois by Masters of Wisdom has been long-awaited. It constitutes a genuine method of purification, pacification and recognition of the best in oneself. Easy-to-handle and accessible to all, the book provides a remarkable opportunity to open up and let go, a first step in healing soul and body.
  • Exclusive of tax – Shipping : 3,95 $ or free from 45 $ purchase This condensed booklet featuring practical exercises communicated to Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois by Masters of Wisdom has been long-awaited. It constitutes a genuine method of purification, pacification and recognition of the best in oneself. Easy-to-handle and accessible to all, the book provides a remarkable opportunity to open up and let go, a first step in healing soul and body.
  • Exclusive of tax - Shipping : 7,96 $ or free from 45 $ purchase This work will open the awareness that illness does not happen “by chance” and that it is possible to see and enter this process, and by this way to stop illness's progression, and finally transform it, by changing ourselves. Life will always provide us with experiences and ways to grow. Illness is one of these ways. Whether you know how to read auras or not, whether you are a healer or not, this book will help you to help others, and to understand the body which expresses itself through it's pain. No one can master death and life, but even if we cannot rebuild a house it is always possible to repair it by bringing some bricks and other building materials. Specific practices and precise healing techniques will help you to find your autonomy, and to know that "chance" is only the invention of those people who like to promote powerlessness and dependancy.
  • ISBN : 978-2-916621-95-1 Broché – 284 pages Sans taxe – Expédition : 3,95 $ ou gratuite dès 45 $ d’achat On rêve sa vie, on se pose des questions souvent sans réponses mais, cette fois, nous aspirons plus que jamais à l’harmonie et ressentons l’envie puissante de vivre notre vie. Sortir des mensonges que l’on nous a servis depuis des milliers d’années devient une priorité.
  • Exclusive of tax - Shipping : 7,96 $ or free from 45 $ purchase Outside of our dimensions of space and time, there are beings that live intensely. Their world is exciting yet peaceful, and may provide a model for the future of the Earth. Anne Givaudan, known for her out of body experiences and explorations of other worlds gives us in this book a rare look at what life is like on other inhabited worlds. This book takes us on her extraordinary journey to the inhabited planet of Venus and the hidden face of the moon, where she learns firsthand about other galactic civilizations. Through a pleasant, surprising and unusual read, we will realize there are other ways to approach Life and Love. Reading this amazing book will open a new world of possibilities. Anne Givaudan is a French author and the co-author of 15 books that have been translated in many languages. She is known for her out of body experience and explorations of other worlds. Her books teach about the world of after-life, life on other planets and about main questions of our present lives. She hopes her discoveries and contacts will help each and every one of us to rediscover our true nature : multidimensional and limitless.
  • Alliance

    26,95 $
    Sans taxe - Expédition : 5,95 $ ou gratuite dès 45 $ d'achat Hors de notre espace et hors de notre temps connu, il existe des êtres qui vivent intensément. Leur monde n'est ni ennuyeux, ni morne, et pourrait même être un exemple pour le nôtre. Cette exploration d'autres mondes nous apprend qu'il y a d'autres façons de concevoir la Vie et l'Amour.

    De nouvelles perspectives s'ouvrent à nous grâce à cet ouvrage.

    Les expériences relatées à travers cet ouvrage n'ont pas été vécues en une fois. En effet, il a fallu plusieurs mois et de nombreux contacts pour que ce livre puisse voir le jour. Cependant, pour en faciliter la lecture, je ne parle pas des différents aller-retours (voyage astral) nécessités pour ces rencontres...

    Je me suis bien souvent demandée si je saurais retranscrire, avec les mots qui sont à notre portée, tout ce qui m'était dit lors de ces voyages... Décrire une énergie, des couleurs, des sons et parler de notions pour lesquelles aucun vocabulaire n'existe, est pour moi un exercice de haute voltige.

    Je sais cependant que ces êtres qui m'ont servi de guides pendant tous ces mois, me font confiance comme ils l'ont toujours fait et que le lecteur saura ressentir ce qui ne peut être traduit.

    Je ne crains pas les détracteurs car ils sont aussi en nous, dans cette partie de nous qui n'aime pas que l'ordre établi soit bousculé et que de nouvelles idées fassent surface.

    Je souhaite simplement que ceux qui me liront puissent en retenir l'Essence et en illuminer leur quotidien à travers les actes les plus insignifiants de leur Vie... Cette vie qui vaut d'être vécue avec ses hauts et ses bas, ses tristesses et ses joies qui poursuivent le même objectif : Nous apprendre à Aimer.


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